
biotop ist nicht gleich biotop

wir suchten einen biotop konnten ihn nicht finden verschätzten uns ganz grob bei den buchenrinden wir sahen uns als biologen banden unsre weidenruten  die kamen durch die luft geflogen war in andrian zu vermuten

the port of GALLE in sri lanka


bond 18? yes, james bond 18! you can sit down on a assemblable cardboard chair

and he created BOND18 from a rib of cardboard. BOND18 is a do-it-yourself assembled chair in 18 modular parts. Available online in

bozen von oben

sketching my hometown 140330 down there the city of bolzano is awaking on a sunny sunday morning

jeoffrey bawa.

Geoffrey Bawa and the Lunuganga Gardens [1948-1998] The fame of the garden finally reached the ears of the priest of the Katakulija temple that, with its white stupa , forms the focus of the Cinnamon Hill vista. He suggested, that, as Mr Bawa derived so much pleasure from contemplating the stupa , he should donate the money needed to pay for its repainting. Bawa considered this request for a moment and the suggested that, as he could see only half the stupa from Lunuganga and had little interest in its reverse side, he would happily make a donation, but only for half the cost. [from: BAWA, geoffrey bawa: the complete works, Thames & Hudson, david robson. ISBN 0-500-34187-7]